The Declaration of MY Independence

My own accounts and adventures of trying to make it in the "real world" after college. "The single girl's guide to surviving on her own"....OK so it will probably turn out to be a "what not to do guide"......

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Sweatin' It Out

Roommate and I have been looking for a hip hop dance class to attend so we can loose some poundage and have fun at the same time. Well, we found one. This particular dance class is held in East Liberty (S'liberty) and instructed by a man named "Big Weave". Which is really coincidental being that I was thinking about getting a weave put in myself. I envision me and Big Weave becoming BFFs. I would then call myself "Medium Weave" because you know, I wouldn't want to steal his thunder or anything.


Blogger Virginia Belle said...

i am picturing "big worm" from Friday. too funny! i can't believe he calls himself that. that is crazy.

i am fascinated by weaves and all the variations there are. i think it is so cool that you can walk in with a pixie crop and come out with hair down to your butt. and you don't have to fix your hair for like a month. blows my mind.

i have a class like that at my gym. it is SO fun. doesn't even feel like exercise. the great music helps a lot, i guess.

9:12 AM  
Blogger Meghan (The Declaration of MY Independence) said...

Ah! I forgot about big worm! Well, I actually found out his last name was Weaver, so I guess that's where Big Weave comes from.

I would LOVE not to have to fix or wash my would be pure heaven to me!

OK, so your class at the it aerobics with hip hop music, or do they actually show you the dance moves?

4:12 PM  
Blogger Virginia Belle said...

i would have to say it's more aerobics than dancing....well, in the warm up, anyway. but there's dances we do for certain songs. it never fails to make me feel totally uncoordinated.

i think everyone else feels the same way, because we make her turn the lights down so people can't see us through the windows!

10:33 AM  

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