Ten Things I Hate About Me
Well OK, not really, but I was tagged by this blogger to write a meme about myself.
*side note: isn't "meme" a fun word to say? I could say it all day meme, meme, meme, meme. Getting tired of me yet? Thats what I thought*
OK, so if your not completely tired of this blog being all about me, then read on about 10 interesting things about myself. There's alot of dirt here people. You won't be disappointed!
1. I think I've mentioned here before that I am scared to death of large dogs. So scared, that it took me a looonngg time to get used to Boyfriend's dog (he has a boxer...blech!) even being in the same room with me without starting to panic. When we first started dating, I wouldn't even let the dog around me, and to this day I still don't let it anywhere near my face. Why you ask? When I was 10 years old I was mauled by a dog, an Akita to be exact. I knew the dog, knew the neighbors and when my friend and I went walking around our neighborhood one day, i bent down to pet Fido and he jumped up and bit my face. He barely missed my jugular vain and almost tore my ear off. I have 3 scars on the right side of my face from him. I've been through plastic surgeries and am planning on getting laser surgery in the near future. The scar bothers me to no end. I pile makeup on top of makeup on it.
2. Between the ages of 4-9 I was banned from eating Skittles. Apparently, when I was just knee high to a grasshopper, Dad gave me a king sized bag of Skittles. He didn't ration it, just gave me the whole freakin' bag and I ate THE WHOLE THING in about an hour. I then spent the rest of the day "puking the rainbow". Needless to say Mom was pissed and I was never allowed to eat Skittles again. I'm sure Dad got a pretty good tongue lashing too. Poor Dad.
3. I am a descendant from an Irish "mob" called the Molly Maguires. I studied abroad in Ireland for awhile, and thats where I learned about them. When I went to see if I had any relatives that were involved with them (because their society was formed around my area) , sure enough there was a Peter M. that was hung in the gallows because of his affiliation with The Mollies. So maybe you'll think twice about messing me with me now, right? Don't make me whack you.
4. I barely ever finish anything I start. This is so, so sad that I think I just might cry myself a river over here. I will begin something and have this huge wave of creativity and ambition, only for it to quickly sizzle out....in about an hour. You should see my blog dashboard....alot of drafted posts that I never finish. Usually I think this is because NOTHING IS EVER EASY FOR ME. Something that would take an average person 15 minutes to do, would take my sorry ass about 2 hours to complete because I would screw it up and have to start from scratch. I also think my pea sized attention span is the other culprit. You have to understand people, that my brain is usually just full of crazy, random thoughts. So when I'm trying to focus on one thing, I have about 20 other things on my mind. Think I'm a nut case yet? Good. Lets move on....
5. Believe it or not, I'm lactose intolerant, and right now all of the people that know me in real life are all laughing as they read this. Why is this so funny to them? Well, besides the fact that they're rude bitches, I probably eat more dairy than anyone else on this planet, and possibly in other far away galaxies. I'm addicted to cheese and ice cream. So addicted, that I still eat it in mass quantities that make me unbelievably sick. I throw up about once or twice a week because I go waaaaay over my dairy limit. Its totally unhealthy, but I just can't stop my psycho self from eating it.
6. When I was in college, I played Rugby for a semester. Yes, me, a totally girly girl thought it was a good idea for her to play a sport that had more physical contact and less protective gear than football. Since I was one of the bigger girls, I got put in a position called a prop, which is the front line of a scrum. It was such a bad idea. I got a concussion my third practice and my whole body was one big black and blue mark, but I did get to beat alot of bitches up. I quit the next semester and joined a sorority that was more my style.
7. I am a total Attention Whore. I love for all eyes to be on me, all the time. I'm usually the first person to dance on the "Booty Bar" at my favorite dance club, or to sing a crazy karaoke song. These antics landed me to be part of a Carnival Legends Show on my spring break cruise a couple years ago. I was dressed up like Madonna, had back up dancers, sang Like A Virgin, and rolled around on the stage just like Madge did in her video. Did I mention this was in an auditorium FILLED with people? Yep, I loved every single second of it and wasn't embarrassed in the slightest.
8. One of my biggest dreams in life is to pose for Playboy. I would love it. But as much as I would love to pose for Playboy, I know that I would have to drop some poundage and get into shape. I doubt Hugh Hef would want to have some blob in his centerfold. And yes, my parents would TOTALLY mind if I did something like this, but I wouldn't tell them. It would be my Top Secret Playboy Scandal. And why would they be reading that dirty magazine anyways? I doubt Mom and Dad would want to get called out for that.
9. Not that you would ever think this NOW, but when I was in high school I had a mild (can you even call it mild?) eating disorder. My high school put crazy amounts of pressure on me to be thin, and I caved. I remember the last straw was when some asshole drew a picture of me that depicted me as a balloon. The next day I stopped eating. I would have 2 crackers for lunch (which I would scrape the filling off) and a piece of lunch meat for dinner. The only time I would ever eat something of substance was when I had a soccer game, and that would only be half a can of fat free raviolis. I convinced myself that nothing was wrong with me, and that I just lost interest in food. I was loosing about 10-13 lbs a week, and would weigh myself about 7 times a day to make sure that I weighed less then the previous time I had stepped on the scale. I didn't get professional help, it was something I had to work through on my own, which I did and it has made me SUCH a strong person. I hope that when I have daughters that they don't think they have to change for everyone else, and that they can learn to be comfortable in their own skin. I never would want anyone to go through what I did.
10. On a lighter note, when I was younger you could get me to do anything just by saying "your afraid, aren't you?" To this I would reply "I'M NOT AFRAID" and would proceed to do some obnoxious stunt where the result tended to be anything but favorable. Some of these stunts include driving around in a "stolen vechile" (it was one of our friends so we technically didn't steal it per say), tearing up our practice field with my Jeep Wrangler, and driving on a lake that was frozen over. Today, you may still get me to do something outrageous by saying that to me, but I tend to be more discretionary with it.
So now I'm supposed to tag other people, but everyone I know has been tagged already! So lets do this, shall we? Leave me a comment or 10 with a random fact about yourself. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some things I need to finish up. Maybe if your lucky I'll post about me weekend that contains information about keg softball, a shot ski, and some moonshine.
i think you like the word "meme" because it is spelled: Me, Me!!
i also had a bad dog experience as a kid. i wasn't attacked, per se, but i was very very scared. i'm sorry to hear that happened to you. it all makes sense now.
LOL at "puking the rainbow" -- eating large amounts of anything has never made me barf. especially candy. my body is like, "MMMMMMM!!! let's put this on her thighs!!!"
i think that is SO FREAKING COOL that you are descended from irish mobsters. totally appeals to the history buff in me. i'm relieved to know i'm on your good side.
oh girl. #4. we talked about this. i am the same way. planning a new project is ALWAYS more fun for me than actually DOING the project. i'm notorious for going out to get supplies for a new project, and then never. even. removing. them. from. the. store. bag.
this is also why i do not allow myself into craft stores. project ideas as far as the eye can see. it's a nightmare.
i can't believe you eat all that stuff even though you are lactose intolerant. i will now make fun of you for that. you dork.
i would think that rugby is a good way to let out pent-up aggression. hmmm...maybe i need to take it up. i REALLY want to kick someone's ass. excuse me. SHRED someone's ass. like, for example, shovel face's.
i can't believe you did that madonna thing. i would NEVER do something like that. i don't like being the center of attention. unless the attention is coming from a hot guy. or if it's coming because i'm being funny. when i'm being funny, i like the attention.
holy cow i can't believe you want to be in playboy. that's another thing i could never do. there are too many Mexicans in America. And too many nasty, disgusting, trailer park rednecks in this country. the thought of them rubbing one out to my photo REALLY skeeves me out. *shudders*
i am sorry to hear your eating problems in high school. but i'm glad you are ok now. i bet that was hard to do. props to you for doing it on your own. that is awesome. :)
when i was in college, i used to secretly wish i would develop an eating disorder. i have never told anyone that before!!!
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