What Hell Looks Like
Yes, I experienced Hell last night....well, my own personal hell anyways. For some strange reason that even I don't know, I wanted to get Cayden's picture taken with Santa last night at the mall. I made Favorite Co-Worker come with me and convinced her to bring her Maltese, Dakota. Little did I know that I would be held prisoner in my personal hell for 3 hours. After the first hour, I was determined not to leave no matter how much Favorite Co-Worker pleaded with me. If I was there that long already, god dammit I was getting that picture taken.
I would have rather taken a trip to the dentist, while having to hold 2 babies that had diarrhea and have a gaggle of loud, obnoxious teenagers around me while I was getting a root canal.......seriously.
This night is now dubbed "The Night of Bad Decisions" by me. For another reason that I'm not really sure of, I totally overlooked the fact that I'm scared to death of large dogs. In my warped mind (we'll call this Meghan Land from now on), I figured only cute little dogs like mine would be there. For the first hour, I cowered in the corner because of a ferocious German Shepherd that was growling and snarling at everything that crossed its path. I'm glad that the mentally incompetent owners of this dog thought it was a good idea to bring it to a place full of children and small dogs. I'm surprised no one got their arm ripped off. Idiots.
Adding to the excitement was FCW's totally out of control dog. The mall was Dakota's bathroom. He peed on store ledges, FCW's foot, and also her coat....twice. He barked at other dogs, tangled himself in about 12 other leashes, and ran away from us multiple times. FCW was not amused, I however, could not stop laughing especially since everyone was commenting on how well behaved my dog was.
A Boston Terrier also tried to attack my little creature for no reason whatsoever. If no one was looking, I would have punted that piece o' crap across the mall.
Did I mention the picture sucks? Both of our dogs' eyes are closed and Santa looks extra specially creepy. I blame this on the incredible large amount of alchool and/or drugs Santa probably took prior to this event. I guess I can't really blame him, I wouldn't expect anyone to sit through that completely sober.
After wasting 3 hours of our life and one crappy picture later, we both got home around 11:30. The e-mail I got this morning from FCW left me in stitches:
"caydin a good dog... caydin's the best dog.... caydin, caydin,caydin.... i am so friggin tired...."
It's good to know she enjoyed herself as much as I did.
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