I'm Baaaacccck!
OK wow, it sure has been awhile! I hope that everyone is happy to have me back after my severe case of writer's block. So you want to know what I have been up to lately? Since you've asked so nicely, I will answer.
Well I got myself a dog...I know what you must be thinking, "uhhh Meghan, don't you hate dogs?" Yes, I do hate dogs, but not pint sized ones that have eyes the same color as mine and that I have trained to perfection....well OK not perfection, but the obedience class I will be taking him to in January should have a hand in that. Here is a picture of my little creature:

And last but not least- BINGE DRINKING! I have been doing this every weekend, and at the end of the weekend I always swear that I will not drink again until another holiday/celebration/millennium is reached. However, for reasons unbeknownst to me, it never happens. One of my crazy friends calls me and FORCES me to go out and binge drink with them, and I'm always more than willing to oblige. (OK so maybe I'm not FORCED to, by anyways....)
I always end up doing dumb things like this:

and also loving my friends too much like this:

and in the end, look absolutely repulsive like this:

Thanksgiving Eve did not produce such incriminating photos such as these (thank god!), but I did need to create a list of people to apologize to, being that my behavior that night was outrageous and downright unacceptable. Here is a copy of my list, but I would like you all to know that I really don't intend on apologizing to any of these people. I just choose not to grace them, or their fine establishments with my presence anymore. I'm sure that will more then suffice for them.
1. Alexis, for spitting on her shoes
2. Tequila Willies staff for single handily destroying their Christmas decorations
3. To my friend Stan, for spending all of his money
4. To the bartenders and GM of Tequila Willies with whom I relentlessly argued with saying that I spoke to someone who said there were specials there that night, knowing that I only heard that on a machine
5. To the owners of the hole-in-the wall bar we went to. I'm pretty sure I puked all over your bathroom, and I'm also pretty sure I didn't clean it up
6. The staff and occupants of Eat n' Park for my loud obnoxious behavior, my loud obscenities, and the food I threw everywhere
7. To Uncle Steak and your clearly unamused friend for dragging you to Eat n' Park thus forcing you to deal with that whole debacle, sober
Thank goodness the lovely, lovely boyfriend was away with his family for Thanksgiving. He probably would have killed me.
OK well that's my update. I'm off again this weekend to do some more binge drinking, ice skating, and eating (duh!). With all of those aspects combined, hopefully I will have some good material for you to read Monday morning! Have a great weekend everyone!
OMG....I heard about the Eat-n-Park incident. It was actually in an e-mail!!! HAHAHAHA...that is too funny girl!!!!
Melissa Vehec
How cool am I that was not just mentioned in your blog, I'm part of a graphic!!! A hysterical one at that :)
I slipped and fell on the puke you didn't clean up....
And I too am extremely sorry to the eat n park staff who had to out up with me screaming with my mouth full of pancakes....eeeks, I feel dumb and truely embarrassed....I will never go back there.... Did you get the copy of the E-mail yet??!?!?!?! What a night...I think the whole world was mad at us that night....or at least at me....
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