The Declaration of MY Independence

My own accounts and adventures of trying to make it in the "real world" after college. "The single girl's guide to surviving on her own"....OK so it will probably turn out to be a "what not to do guide"......

Friday, December 29, 2006

New Catchphrase

My friend Melissa and I have coined a new catchphrase. It's called being thrown out "Fresh Prince Style". If you've ever watched the show and are familiar with the characters of Uncle Phil and Jazz, you know exactly what we're talking about. If not, you will have to look it up on the Internet because I am feeling too lazy to explain it today. Here is how our new catchphrase can be used in a sentence:

"If I would go into Eat N Park and bitch slap that waitress, I would get thrown out of there Fresh Prince Style."


"The bus driver was so mad at the passenger for peeing on the seat, he threw him off the bus Fresh Prince Style."

Get it? OK people, your goal is to use our new catchphrase in at least 2 sentences today so you can get the hang of it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel sooooo special for being mentioned in your blog. I hope this phrase cathes on....I will be using it all night.

10:50 AM  

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